BEN4316 Social Entrepreneurship A Powerful Way to Create the Next Generation of Conscious Business Innovators
A powerful way to create the next generation of conscious business innovators and change-makers is through entrepreneur-student collaborations. Students from BEN4316 Social Entrepreneurship, BIE major (International Business and Entrepreneurship) were ecstatic to see the various programs offered by Camillian Home – charitable institution that cares for children with various personal needs.
BEN4316 Social Entrepreneurship course is a project-based course that endeavors to push students out of the classroom: urging them to apply design thinking to empathize with the institution’s missions and purposes as well as to define real problems worth solving. The course requires students to observe their behavior and conduct interviews with officers and relevant stakeholders to gain insights into how they are currently solving the problem. Towards the end of the course, students are tasked with implementing the project they have developed for a good cause with a significant impact on the community.
The course instructor is Dr. Jenette Villegas-Puyod.