Embarking on a Sustainable Journey: the Growing Together Organic Farming Learning Center
Assumption University of Thailand celebrated the successful opening of the Sufficiency Agriculture Technology Learning Center Building and Raised Vegetable Plots for Local Organic Farm Project, on September 10, 2023, at the My House Farm in Ladkrabang district. Furthermore MSME Business School in collaboration with GSB Yuwaphat Rakthin and the Farmpak Charnmeaubg Sub Project organized the event on promoting sustainable agriculture, job creation, and community development.
The official opening ceremony brought together Rev. Bro. Dr. Monthol Prathumrach, Vice President for Student Affairs, and Mr.Paisal Tarasansombat, CEO of TMT Steel Public Company Limited emphasizing corporate social responsibility and environmental initiatives.
Attendees had opportunities to explore the My House Farm and learn about its operations through a guided tour. Assumption University thanked all participants, sponsors, and supporters for sowing the seeds of a brighter, more sustainable future for community and planet.