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Congratulations to AU Finance Team “Energy Passion”

Congratulations to AU Finance Team “Energy Passion” on your achievement:
Capital Market Case Competition (CMCC) in Investment Banking 2024: Fourth Runner Up

Supakorn Kantajit (6413018)
Piyawat Charoenpit (6440099)
Thunyamas Sabaiying (6410544)
Pasakorn Tepklang (6410167)
Narawit Sittidech (6410293)
Competing against 1,500 students+ (300 teams+)

Special Thanks to the Team’s Advisor: Dr. Chainarin Srinutshasad

The Capital Market Case Competition (CMCC) focuses on key areas like sustainability, digitalization, and investment banking. Participants are tasked with developing innovative fundraising methods and M&A strategies to support long-term growth for the subject company, while promoting transparency of the Thai Capital Market.

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