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Submission Guidelines

Submissions of full papers and extended abstracts are welcome through the conference website. All submissions are subject to double-blind peer review process.

You are invited to submit either an Extended Abstract or a Full Paper (of a research nature or a teaching case) for presentation at the conference. All accepted submissions are published in the form of abstracts and extended abstracts in the conference proceedings upon conference participation.

Undergraduate and graduate students are encouraged to submit their research work either as an extended abstract or a complete article. A special discount applies to the registration fee for student participants.

Extended abstracts: A submission should explicitly contain: 1. Background & Problem Statement; 2. Objectives; 3. Methods/Procedures; 4. Expected or Preliminary Results; and 5. References. Extended abstracts range between 3 to 5 pages.

Full papers: No specific structure is required for complete papers. Complete submissions must not exceed 15 pages, excluding exhibits, illustrations, tables, graphics, and appendices. Quantitative papers should provide full data analytics.

Submissions are accepted through the conference website only. Formatting guidelines for either extended abstracts or complete papers in MS Word format are provided on the conference website, All submissions should be written in English. All submissions compliant with formatting guidelines are peer-reviewed; acceptance being based on quality and relevance. Submissions not keeping to formatting guidelines will be returned to authors without a review. Plagiarism is unacceptable. All authors must fully disclose their sources and provide standard citations.

MS Word Templates

One of the distinctive features of the International Business and Economy conferences is providing sizeable space and opportunity for a discussion. Authors of accepted proposals will have up to 25 minutes (Q&A included) to present their topic at the conference. Authors retain the copyright of their works. The conference proceedings containing abstracts and extended abstracts will be published after the conference on the conference website.

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