IBEC2025 Presenter RegistrationTitle *Mr.Ms./Mrs.Dr.Asst. Prof. Dr.Assoc. Prof. Dr.Prof. Dr.Asst. Prof.Assoc. Prof.ProfPrefer not to SpecifyFirst Name (Middle Name) *Last Name/Family Name *Organization *Email *Paper PresentationConference Session (January 4, 2025 - Saturday) -Session1A-Towards a Theory of Skewness TradingSession1A-Real Exchange Rate and Innovation: Firm-Level Evidence from ChinaSession1A-Assessing the Viability of Bitcoin and Ethereum in Global Portfolio Optimization: A Comparative Analysis Across Developed and Developing MarketsSession1A-Exploring the Impact of Customer Satisfaction on Profitability and Stock PerformanceSession1B-Soft Information in Bank-Firm Lending and Impacts of Required DisclosureSession1B-The Effects of Gray (Affiliate) Directors on REITs’ Governance and PerformanceSession1B-The International Retirement Savings Dilemma: Insights from U.S. IRAs with Global RelevanceSession2A-The Effects of Cultural Values in Electronic Word-of-Mouth MarketingSession2A-Therapeutic Servicescapes and Brand Symbolism-Induced Affect: The Moderating Effect of Trait AuthenticitySession2B-A Review of Policy Instruments and Indicators for Green Innovation Diffusion: A Comparative Study of Thailand and PolandSession3A-Measuring Uncertainty in China Using Baidu Search: A Principal Component Analysis ApproachSession3A-AI Founder: Design PrinciplesSession3A-Research on the Impact Mechanism of AI Hallucination on Human-Machine Collaborative Decision Making in Crisis Self-RescueSession3B-Shades of Grey: Economic Aspects of Non-Traditional Revenue Sources, the Case of Live StreamingSession3B-The Impact of Housing Market Sentiment on Housing Demand and SupplySession3B-Debt Thresholds and Economic ConsequencesSession3B-Revisiting the Kuznets Curve: A Racial Analysis of Income Inequality in the USASession3C(Online)-The Impact of External Factors on Economic Growth in CEE-11 CountriesSession3C(Online)-Central Bank Digital Currencies: Current Role and Developments in the Global EconomySession3C(Online)-Financial Concerns of Intellectual Disabilities: Perspectives of Parents in Yogyakarta, IndonesiaConference Session (January 5, 2025 - Sunday) -Session4A(Online)-The Seed of “Aftertaste” in Mumbai India. Social Enterprise: Empowering Women from Economically Disadvantaged Community. Case StudySession4A(Online)-Industry 4.0 in Mexico and the necessary changes in industrial policySession4A(Online)-Why Do Customers Use (or don’t use) Mobile Payment? HBCU Students’ PerspectivesSession4A(Online)-Sustainable Entrepreneurship as a Bridge to Improved Firm Performance in the Context of Entrepreneurial OrientationSession4A(Online)-Sustainable Development for Aging Communities: The Role of Social Enterprises and Government-University Collaboration in ThailandSession4B(Online)-Student Educational Loans and Life-Stage MilestonesSession4B(Online)-Blockchain Technology and Smart Contracts: Potential Tools for Improving Smaller Operational Profit MarginsSession4B(Online)-The Impact of Minimum Wage Raises on Early-Stage EntrepreneurshipSession4B(Online)-Economic Fallout of Climate Change: A U.S. PerspectiveSession4B(Online)-Uncertainty of Sales, Operating Risk & Sustainability Analysis of a U.S. Firm During the COVID-19 PandemicSession4C(Online)-The Moderating Roles of Ownership Structure and Corporate GovernanceSession4C(Online)-Sustainability Reporting in ThailandSession4C(Online)-The Relationship between Environmental Accounting Information Disclosure and Corporate Sustainability in Companies Listed on the Stock Exchange of ThailandSession4C(Online)-Effect of Bribery on Generalized Trust in Emerging Markets: A Social Capital PerspectiveSession4C(Online)-Perspectives of Arabs from the Gulf Cooperation Council Countries towards the Thai Medical Tourism IndustrySession5A(Online)-Preference for Pet Product Differentiation and Buyer's Socioeconomic Characteristics in ThailandSession5A(Online)-The Impact of Social Media Contents and Feedbacks on Traveler's Destination Choice in ChinaSession5A(Online)-Factors Determining the Over-excessive Consumption Behavior of the Non-Surgical Aesthetic ServicesSession5A(Online)-The Role of the Word of Mouth in Creating Branding Identity for Agricultural ProductsSession5A(Online)-The Impact of Perceived Benefits on Purchasing Intention and Behavior in Internet Financial Products: Evidence from ChinaSession5B(Online)-Customers' Attitudes Towards Green SkincareSession5B(Online)-Factors Affecting the Decision to Purchase Unit-linked Life Insurance Products in Thailand After COVID-19Session5B(Online)-The Impact of Delaying Retirement Age on EnterprisesSession5B(Online)-Opportunities and Challenges in Developing Alternative Tourist Destinations Beyond Patong in PhuketSession5B(Online)-Understanding the Study-Life Balance of Myanmar Students at Assumption University Amid Political and Cultural StrugglesSession5B(Online)-Facebook’s Role in Strengthening Socio-Political and Economic Stability for Myanmar’s FarmersSession5B(Online)-The Relationship between PM2.5 and Stock ReturnSession5B(Online)-The Impact of Visa Policies on Thailand’s International Employment MarketNameSubmit