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Sow Hup Joanne Chan, Simon Wu & Krisee Vipulakom (2020) Young consumers’ behavioural intention based on hotel websites, Anatolia, 31:1, 1-18, DOI: 10.1080/13032917.2019.1684959


This study investigates young consumers’ behavioural intention based on attractiveness, user-friendliness, and marketing effectiveness of economy hotel websites. Comparison of ratings between languages used and groups of respondents was also made. Results showed no significant difference in scores between the English language and Chinese language websites. Chinese and Thai respondents reported significant differences in three dimensions for the English language websites. Site attractiveness, user-friendliness, and marketing effectiveness are positively linked to behavioural intentions. Marketing effectiveness is a crucial driver for making an online reservation and for recommendation/revisit. Language matters and is important in customer relationships in the context of B2C communication. Website designers and marketers can consider additional design factors in order to improve the overall design of the websites.

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