MSME’s groundwork leads to a graduate degree at a world class university.
Nattariya Wittayatanaseth graduated from the Department of Finance and Banking in 2011, and went on to receive KBank Scholarship to pursue MBA at the Kellogg Business School, Northwestern University. Recently she shared the following with us.Having studied in the Finance and Banking Program at MSME provided me extensive groundwork, which I can apply while working at the Bank of Thailand and Kasikorn Bank.
The MSME finance courses furnished me with solid fundamentals to work at Thailand’s leading financial institutions and greatly prepared me to take CFA examinations, an international accreditation which contributed to my career advancement and MBA application.
I believe that study life at MSME also has given me necessary soft skills to cooperate effectively and internationally and also helped me fit in with Kellogg’s core culture of diversity and collaboration. Being involved in the Finance Student Committee and engaged in MSME’s team-based coursework helped improve my management, teamwork and communication skills. The diverse international student body also helped me gain understandings in cross-cultural negotiations and cooperation.